Page For Long Range Climate Analysis.
Northern Hemisphere Snow Coverage

Northern Hemisphere Ice extent

Great Lakes Total Ice Cover

Teleconnection Daily Indices
Ensemble Mean Outlook Daily AO index

GFS Outlook Daily AO index

Ensemble Mean Outlook Daily NAO index

GFS Outlook Daily NAO index

Ensemble Mean Outlook Daily AAO index

GFS Outlook Daily AAO index

Ensemble Mean Outlook Daily PNA index

GFS Outlook Daily PNA index

The most common way of monitoring the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phase is by looking at sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. The animated map below shows sea surface temperature anomalies over the past three months. Warm/positive anomalies are associated with the El Niño phase, while cool/negative anomalies are associated with the La Niña phase.
Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperatures

Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

Amplitude-corrected Nino3.4 Ensemble Mean

Nino Regions Anomalies

Global SST Anomaly

Global SST Anomaly

Legend for above global SST anomaly graphic

The MJO..
The Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) affects global weather and climate mainly through two mechanisms. One is direct by enhancing or suppressing tropical convection and rainfall along its propagation pathway from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. The other is indirect by generating atmospheric or oceanic wave disturbances that propagate into regions with little or no direct signals of the MJO itself. MJO's influences on weather and climate are not separated from each other. The degree to which global weather is affected by the MJO often depends on the phases of certain climate modes. Climate phenomena under the influence of the MJO in turn modulate weather events in many regions of the world. In addition, the MJO also affects many important and interesting phenomena in the atmosphere and ocean that are not commonly categorized as either weather or climate. Because of the large number of weather, climate, and other phenomena in the Earth system under the influence of the MJO, only very brief descriptions of them are possible here. The listed further reading materials provide more detailed discussion of the global impact of the MJO..
Current MJO Forecast

MJO Global Model Forecast.
Climate Forecast System (NCFS) | Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BC) | Australian Bureau of Meteorology Last 40 Days |
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MJO Temperature Composites.
Clicking on the image opens a large image. To exit click the white X in the upper right..
MJO Precipitation Composites.
Clicking on the image opens a large image. To exit click the white X in the upper right.
ice extent.
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